laurens art
extreme expressionism

Spider Web

im from the dark forest of old pine and muddy ponds
im from rock caves and salty waters

im from the grand stage in new york and jazz clubs in new orleans

im from a burning hospital, dried paint and blood on the sidewalks,
rotten pumpkins and old candy wrappers

im from silken pillows, cinammon, garlic and dill
im from chocolate cake for breakfast and spilled milk at dinner

im from black velvet, shoes and make-up,
broken hearts, dreams and promises,
card games and spider webs
weaving together my past present and future

©lauren hershiser april 2002


There's More Than We Can Know

there's more to the picture
than meets the eye
there more to the sound of music
than meets the ear
there's more to the taste
than will ever meet the tongue
there's more to the touch
than meets the fingertips

the amount is immeasurable
the reason is unfathomable
who are we to judge
if the cup is half full or half empty?
but who aren't we to assume
it is either / or?

the more we know and learn and grow
the more we resist
things we knew
become unknown
the more you find
the less you obtain

to change the difference
between a mountain and a stone
to map the difference
between love and pain
to find balance
in both heart and brain

to much of anything
is not much at all

To Death

they may call me suicidal
if i'm ready to die
they may call me crazy
if i laugh in the face of danger
but why be afraid
i am not a stranger
because i remember every day
footsteps fade away
people come
and people, they don't stay

they may call me obsessed
but i am just awake to the dream of things
they may call me silly
to live my ife this way
but i remember every day
that life is what i make it
and i dont care what they say

they may call me self centered
because i know who i am
they may call me slow
while i am tuned into details
but i remember every day
to be thankful and take breath
for everything thats happened to me
especially recently

i am in a process of unconscious unfolding
and clawing out of the insides
to find what's raw, what's real, what's happening
especially recently
i'm on the edge of this cliff
finally ready to fly
i've always been free -
never had to live up, just try
i remember every day to stand strong and tall
to face the fear that i will fall
i am no stranger to death
i am coming to grips with my own mortality



All drawings ©Lauren Hershiser

All material on website copyright ©2007 and Lauren Hershiser. All rights reserved.

No reproduction without written permission.



extreme - farthest removed from the ordinary or average

expressionism - the tendency of an artist to distort reality for an emotional effect